May 8, 2014
To our membership:
CORBA is not successful without you and your participation! So, thank you for your membership renewal and active participation! It is much appreciated.
Thanks to your support, CORBA has grown tremendously since inception. CORBA was founded in 2011 by a small group of concerned maritime business leaders from Ohio and Kentucky. Since inception we have tripled membership and continue to grow!
CORBA founders recognized a lack of unity among business and industries along the Ohio River that threatened the advancement of river commerce in our Harbor. Our maritime community had no voice. Our group spent many hours working and collaborating with other groups and business leaders to make sure our maritime businesses, friends and partners have a voice and representation.
Our first project was to work diligently with the Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority and the Northern Kentucky Port Authority to expand our current Harbor from 26 miles to approximately 227 miles. CORBA’s goal was simple: Advocate for broader representation of the member’s investments, commodity movements, and drive commerce to our Harbor!
I am very pleased to announce that the collaborative efforts of the Port Authorities of Cincinnati and NKY have been successful, to date. On April 21, 2014, a submission to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was submitted requesting the re-designation of our Harbor. We expect to learn more toward the end of this year with regard to their approval. I would like to personally thank each and every one of our members that supported this effort. Your actions will prove to be of great benefit to our Harbor and Tri-State Region. The new name for our Harbor will be: “The Ports of Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky.”
What next? Our next project will be to promote/market “The Ports of Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky.” And, continue the promotion of our CORBA membership.
As a CORBA member, you already receive a listing on the CORBA website that promotes your business contact information and a map link to your business location. In addition to this, we are working on enhancements to the website that will further promote your business and CORBA’s goals. Here is a small sample of what’s to come:
Promotion of your firm in our Social Media Campaign – CORBA Connection. Your business will be able to send us short items for our “News from Our Members” section.
Your business will continue to receive a free listing on the CORBA Website
Additional promotion opportunities will be available to “Spotlight” your business.
Sponsorship opportunities for CORBA networking events
Involvement on CORBA committees and task forces that help shape the future of our region
With our enhanced listing opportunities, your business will stand out above all others!
Please continue to support CORBA. Your participation is vital for the promotion and advancement of our maritime Harbor.
Please keep in touch – these are times when we can be unusually valuable to one another. If we work together, collaboratively, we will become stronger together.
With appreciation,
David E. Hammond